While we're currently here on Earth, inhabiting these physical vessels, it is each individual's responsibility to be the architect for the life they desire. As such, one has the power to actively choose to manifest and live the life they want - whether an individual chooses to thrive and live in their light or succumb to the comfortable complacency of their darkness is solely that person's decision to make. But, based on the thoughts, words and actions you consciously or subconsciously decide to put out into the Universe, the Universe will return to you exactly what you send out. So take your power back. Far too often, people surrender their personal power to exterior forces - be it money, relationships, jobs, environment, dis-ease, etc. Despite all the "darkness" that seems to be taking up space around the world today, we are living in extremely auspicious times. And now, perhaps more so than ever, is the time for each and every being on this plane...